Books & Phrases

Recommendations, images and phrases related to the books and the art of reading // Recomendaciones, imágenes y frases relacionadas con los libros y el arte de…
1,101 Pins
a piece of paper with words written in spanish and english on it, including the phrase'se puede cantar hablar, rein library grati en silencio
Efemérides del 28 de julio
Efemérides del 28 de julio, ver y leer en
a woman laying in bed next to a dog and an open book with the caption haz lo que te face feliz
10 Verdades que siempre olvidamos
life is short
a tree is growing out of a pile of books on top of each other with butterflies flying around it
angelicexplosion: Knowledge is the key by Marine Loup (
libros naturales
a black cat sitting on top of books with the caption ex libras
Echo the cat
Ojazos lindo gatito
a drawing of a cat sitting on top of a bookshelf next to a coffee cup
Dreams Come True
Dreams Come True
a boy is flying through the air with a book in his hand and an open book on
Creo que algo mágico puede suceder cuando lees un libro. ♥
two people sitting at a table reading a book
"No person who can read is ever successful at cleaning out an attic"
a painting of a woman sitting in front of a bookshelf filled with books
Dr Seuss ... Book & Magic