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an instagram page with blue circles on the sand and sky in the back ground
Desert Mirrors Installation for Dreams Project by Shirin Abedinirad - Gift Ideas - Creative Spotting
#land-art Desert Mirrors Installation for Dreams Project by Shirin Abedinirad El espacio se convierte en la obra
a large mirror reflecting the sky over a body of water with trees in the background
Sky Mirror, 2001 - Anish Kapoor -
Sky Mirror - Anish Kapoor, 2001 instalacion circulo cielo espejo reflejo
a reflection of a hand in the grass with trees in the background and blue sky
@fdmaycry compartió una imagen en Taringa!
a large mirror in the middle of a grassy field with trees and clouds reflected in it
Galería de Referentes esenciales del mundo del arte para la formación de cualquier arquitecto - 47
Galería de Referentes esenciales del mundo del arte para la formación de cualquier arquitecto - 47
a large rock formation next to a body of water with trees growing out of it
la verdad inventada
la verdad inventada
the cover of simon & me by jonathan ritzman, with an image of a staircase going up into a canyon
Michael Schmidt NATUR
Tito Mouraz
construction work is being done on the side of a large rock building with two windows
Fotografías interesantes 39 - El último resquicio de lawaloca
Fotografías interesantes 39 – – Desmadre, morras y chairas de a montón
a large pile of rubble sitting next to a white wall in an unfinished room with no one on it
Tempo Polveroso / Frederik Vercruysse
Frederik Vercruysse’s series ‘Tempo Polveroso’ (Pulverised Time) captured during an artist residency in Tuscany
people are swimming in an indoor pool surrounded by white walls
Cresta di Lareccio – Marigal – Cortenero… – Interior Design Addict
Interior Design Addict: Cresta di Lareccio - Marigal - Cortenero... | Interior Design Addict
an empty room with white walls and concrete floors
Museo: Diccionario de Conceptos Clave (ICOM) - EVE Museos + Innovación
“Mina de mármol”, fotografía de Frederik Vercruysse
a large body of water surrounded by rocks
Photo 4 of 7 in Marble District By Francesco Luciani
Marble District By Francesco Luciani - Dwell