poemas preciosos

78 Pins
the words are written in black and white on a piece of paper that reads,'eres mi nadda cuado la gente me encuntara con la miradera
Eres mi NADA cuando la gente me pregunta : ¿en que piensas? ....
an open book with the words in spanish and english on it's cover page
an open book with writing on it
an open book with spanish words on it
Estaba loca, joder, estaba loca. Tenía en su cabeza una locura preciosa. ¿Cómo no iba a perder la puta razón por ella? Amor, citas, frases. ♥
the words are written in spanish on a white paper with black writing and an image of a
Pequeñas cosas marcan la diferencia*
an image of a quote on watercolor paper that says, dedicar tempo esos ques un regalo bonito
""Dedicar tiempo. Eso sí que es un regalo bonito."Defreds
the words in spanish are written on a white background with black and white lettering that reads,
the words are written in spanish on a wooden background with an image of a bird
Nunca me olvides,porque yo no podré hacerlo
a sign that says me queress? lo dudas?
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