
pretty is not the rent you pay to live in this world. your body is the vessel that holds you. the arms you wish were slimmer are the same arms that allow…
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a sign that says, don't fit anymore instead of torturing yourself
15 Little Body Victories That Deserve Celebration
15 Awards Everyone Who Struggles With Body Image Deserves
an image of a quote on the topic of poverty and poverty, with a white background
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pretty hurts we shine the light on whatever's worst. perfection is a disease of a nation. oh, it's the soul that needs the surgery
two white ghost faces with the words i am not my thought it's
Start A Fire
I am not my thoughts, I have to keep telling... - THE SAD GHOST CLUB BLOG
Want to lose weight? Try this technique! Back Exercises, Lower Back Fat, Lose Back Fat, Back Fat Workout, Back Fat, Cardio Training, Love Handles, Fat To Fit, Lose Body Fat
Want to lose weight? Try this technique! |
Want to lose weight? Try this technique!
a woman in blue shirt making gestures with her hands and the words diver written on it
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"When we look in the mirror, instead of seeing who we are, we see who we're not." // I love her.