Christian life

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a black and white photo with a quote on it that says,'aguelo por
"Aquello por lo que no oras es lo que estás tratando de hacer en tus fuerzas." - Marcos Vidal.
the words in spanish are written on white paper
a piece of paper with a quote on it
a blue and white quote with the words, i'm sure to him that reward which
Our Heavenly Reward - Blessed Is She
Sister, many of us are laboring arduously in the vineyard for fruit that may not be for us or others to see. This can be discouraging and altogether frustrating. But in today’s Gospel the Lord encourages us that we will one day be rewarded for our transformation into holiness through our service to Him. Perhaps that will be in your lifetime, perhaps it will not, but rest assured the reward is coming and most important than all of the fruit you bore will be your union with the Bridegroom Himself.
a colorful frame with words in spanish and english
En el tiempo de Dios llegará
two pictures with the words in spanish and an image of a potted plant next to a door
the words are written in different colors and font on a pink background with an orange, green, blue, yellow, and red design
Hand-lettering Inspiration, Faith Bible Verse Quotes, Daily Devotionals for Christian Women