Drapentier (fl.1669-1714)

somewhat shadowy engraver, born in the Netherlands, but working in England by 1674, still there in 1714 (advert in the Spectator). Mainly book illustrations of…
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an old book is opened to show the front and back pages, with illustrations on it
1672 [White]
source for Drapentier's copy of 1681 (and 1702)
an illustration of two panels from a medieval manuscript
1681 Navigation
copies Robert White's engraved title-page to Seller's "Practical Navigation" of 1672 & 6, abstracting the navigators to support the title-page proper, and turning the navigational instruments into an advertisement for Seller's shop
an illustration of two men standing next to each other
1702 frontispiece
to William Jones, "A New Compendium of the Whole Art of Navigation" (1702)
the book of common prayer with an image of a woman in a long dress and another drawing
1680 Book of Common Prayer
numerous illustrations which can be safely attributed to Drapentier
an old book with a drawing of people on horses and men in medieval clothing,
Book of Common Prayer. Oxford: at the Theatre, 1680 This illustration by John Drapentier depicts the return of Charles II from exile, facing the form of prayer and thanksgiving to be used yearly on 29 May, ‘being the day of his Majesties Birth, and happy return to his Kingdoms.’ The accompanying scriptural quotation demonstrates the political use of religious texts.
an advertisement for the memorial of divine love, which was printed in 1897 and 1932
1691 [Song of Solomon]
an old book with two pictures of people in front of it and the cover is black and white
1680 Compleat English Scholar
the kingdom of darkness by richard baxter, illustrated in an old book with black ink
1688 Kingdom of Darknes
an old drawing of a woman sitting in front of a window
frontisp., probably to one of Russell's works as they are the onlybooks shown on the shelf! BM
an old book with a portrait on it
1698 Keach
an old book with black and white illustrations on the front cover, featuring a portrait of mary
1695 Queen Mary
an open book with black and white illustrations on it
1676 Mentis Humanae Metamorphosis