Christian iconography

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an image of the virgin mary and child jesus
Валаам. Икона Божией Матери Державная
the virgin mary holding a child in her arms
Blessed Virgin Mary & Christ Child
an icon of the saint nicholas
jan van eyck still life - Google Search
the painting is hanging on the side of a tree
Ghent Altarpiece - Wikipedia
The Virgin Mary, The Ghent Altarpiece, Hubert and Jan van Eyck, completed in 1432
the virgin mary and child jesus in blue with gold trimmings on her arms
<<Икона Богородицы именуемая "Благодатное небо">>
an icon of the virgin mary with her hands raised in front of her head and arms outstretched
Mother of God
Mother of God "Inexhaustible Cup" Orthodox Icon
the virgin mary holding a child in her arms
Icoana Rusia
an icon of the virgin mary and child jesus
Gallery | Vladimir Kulesha, Icon-art studio
Gallery | Vladimir Kulesha, Icon-art studio «Synergy»
an icon of the virgin mary in gold and blue, with her hands raised up
Mary - the Ark of the Covenant
The Ark of the Covenant
an icon of the virgin mary with two birds on her arm and one bird flying in the air
CONSECRATION AND SACRIFICE A meditation by Abbot Joseph, abbot emeritus of Holy Transfiguration Monastery, Redwood Valley, CA; USA
an icon of the saint nicholas