IVF Journey

Pins for IVF warriors about the IVF Journey. Tips & inspiration to help you get pregnant whether you struggle with infertility, are trying for a child after…
415 Pins
an ad for taking control during ivf
Feeling a lack of control in your IVF Journey? | IVF Support.
We can’t control when our Infertility clinic does their egg retrievals or embryo transfers, we can’t control how our body responds to the IVF meds, we can’t control the number of eggs retrieved, the maturity of the eggs, the fertilization report, or the day 5 report. We can control the rest of our live though, read how to take back control and feel more empowered during this tough time. 🌟 #IVFstruggles #InfertilityJourney #TakeControl #IVFCommunity #Empowerment
Your federal senators need to hear from YOU that you want them to vote yes on the right to IVF act.
This Thursday our federal senators will vote on the RIGHT TO IVF ACT! It will establish a nationwide right to IVF. Since IVF was put on pause in Alabama this past February, so many people have shared that they support IVF- and the access to IVF. And now is the time to put that support into action. (Trip to DC is NOT a requirement!) I plan to be there to watch the vote. Can you share a 🧡🧡 below to let me know you will email your senator?
a tablet with the text, first appointment with reproductive endocing list coming up
Have your first appointment coming up with your Reproductive Endocrinologist?
If you're planning to visit a Reproductive Endocrinologist (RE) for the first time, I've got some tips for you that I wish I had known during my IVF journey. These 7 questions will help you get the most out of your appointment and make sure you're fully prepared. Don't worry, you're just one click away from being ready for your visit.
the 8 tips and tricks to stick with your fertiility nutrition plan read now
Fertility friendly foods that you can add to your IVF diet.
Fertility nutrition and the right IVF diet is a controversial topic. At the end of the day, infertility is complicated and the right food isn’t going to guarantee that IVF will work. But there are fertility friendly foods that you can add to your diet, and whether you’d like to hear it or not, proper nutrition can only help with your IVF success.
a woman sitting on the floor with her legs crossed, smiling at the camera and text that reads you don't have to do ivf advice anyone learn about my coaching for ivf warriors
Coaching You Through Your Fertility Journey & IVF Treatments
Get Back in Control In a Completely Uncontrollable Situation. I support IVF Warriors to take away the stress, overwhelm, and loneliness from infertility. By teaching women going through IVF, The Two Week Wait, and Embryo Transfers on how to grow their belief that they can handle IVF! Click to learn about my services.
the quote you are worthy of becoming a mom, you are observing of having a child your dreams matter
You are worthy of becoming a mom
I support women, just like you, to take away the stress, overwhelm, and loneliness from infertility. By teaching women going through the IVF journey how to grow their belief that they can handle Infertility! Click to learn more about my coaching programs.
two women are shown with the words, access advocacy and resources on them
Empowering Fertility: Access, Advocacy, and Resources (Dr. Chen Interview)
There is a difference between the cost of fertility care versus the investment of fertility preservation and care and the total impact on our society. You will walk away from today’s episode understanding that speaking up through advocacy does make a difference and know the resources out there that will help you.
the inferility and ive acronyms book is shown with an image of a woman
Confused by BFPs & FTWs?
Uncode the IVF Puzzle with FREE Acronym Guide! Feeling lost in the maze of IVF terms? This Infertility Awareness Week, find your way out! Download this FREE guide to decipher crucial acronyms & discover helpful IVF tips. Navigate your journey with confidence!
two women hugging each other with the text, the 3 best ways to support a loved one going through inferitity
Understanding and Supporting a Loved One in Infertility
In today's warm-hearted discussion, we're diving into the sensitive art of supporting your daughter, granddaughter, or niece through the complexities of infertility. We're here to explore ways to navigate these conversations that promote understanding and support, steering clear of unintentional triggers.
a woman is sitting on the bed with her phone in her hand and text that reads,
The IVF Challenge: Strategies for Navigating Parenthood
Just like football players dedicate their lives to the game in hopes of winning the Super Bowl, those battling infertility often find themselves consumed by the process. It's more than a physical journey; it's an emotional and mental rollercoaster. And just as football players dream of reaching the Super Bowl, individuals undergoing IVF dream of their own victory: parenthood. Listen to today's podcast.
a person holding a toothbrush with the text 5 truths about ivf they didn't tell you about
5 Things No One Told me About IVF
This episode of More Than Your Infertility shares 5 vital insights that many people only discover deep into their infertility journeys. But not you!
an ad for the alabama supreme court, with bubbles in it and a blue background
Strategies for Those Affected by Alabama's IVF Pause
Behind the scenes of Alabama's fertility clinic saga – grab a coffee and let's chat about the reasons behind the pause and discover coping strategies in my latest blog post.
the front and back cover of an endocinologist's guide to get the most out of your appointment
Have your first appointment coming up with your Reproductive Endocrinologist?
Don't leave the reproductive endocrinologist's office without asking these seven questions. As someone who has undergone in vitro fertilization treatment, these are the questions that I wish I had been prepared to ask during my first appointment with the RE. You're just one click away from being even more prepared.
a woman with braids and the words 30 vanity - saving tips to help you cope with ivf get the tips
IVF Warriors Give Their Tried And Tested Advice!
Learn the 30 strategies to make the most of your infertility journey from other IVF warriors. Sign up now to receive your PDF.
a woman with her back to the camera and text reading spreading the upcoming two week wait here's how to survive the two week wait sign up now
Two Week Wait Challenge
The Two Week Wait Challenge program aims to provide daily inspiration during the 14 days following an embryo transfer. Having experienced six TWWs myself, I understand the difficulty of this wait. On transfer day and a few days after, there is a lot of energy, excitement, hope, and belief.