Love & Romance

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an image of someone's quote about being in the middle of a text message
a piece of paper with an image of thomas merton on it and the words thomas merton written in cursive writing
Photo (chanel bags and cigarette drags)
screenshot of a tumblr post by the user @apoemaday:
6:59 AM by Shane  Koyczan
I’ve been told/that people in the army/do more by 7:00 AM/than I do in an entire day,/but if I wake/at 6:59 AM/and turn to you/to trace the outline of your lips/with mine,/I will have done enough/and killed no one/in the process. Shane Koyczan, Vie Motivation, Love Is, What’s Going On, Hopeless Romantic
6:59 AM by Shane Koyczan
a black and white photo with the words and in the middle of my chaos there was you
Simple Romance I Canvas Wall Art, 12"
a black and white photo with the words you came, you called
a handwritten note with writing on it that says i'm down in the garden
Polka Dots Pretty