The Vampire Diaries

Funny pics,memes
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a couple kissing each other in front of a quote from the movie fifty and twenty
Some random, but good quotes I have collected
Some random, but good quotes I have collected - Imgur
there is a poster with the words seriously nothing sounds better than eliah saying kaferina
#TheOriginals - #ElijahMikaelson
two pictures one with a woman riding a horse and the other with a street sign
Go to Stefan vil in Texas #not kidding
the words keep calm and watch all the vampire diaries episodees again
The Vampire Diaries
two men standing next to each other in front of american flags
well, the fridge broke, so i had to eat everything
the vampire and his girl friend are talking to each other in this scene from twilight
Ian Somerhalder Fans
Let's just take a moment and acknowledge the performance by Nina Dobrev & Ian Somerhalder. This is one that will stay with you forever, regardless of Damon's future on the show.
several pictures of the actors talking into microphones
Create dynamic edits, curate your gallery and immerse yourself in inspiring and motivating content.
the vampire and his beautiful girlfriend are in different ways to describe what they are doing
an instagramted photo of the vampire's daughter holding her hands in front of her face
two men standing next to each other in front of a house and one holding a piece of paper
Kai's smile in that photo is just beyond perfect <3
two people sitting at a table talking to each other
the actor is laughing and making funny faces