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a white swan floating on top of a body of water surrounded by lily padding
Swan and Water Lilies by Trevor Morecraft LRPS / 500px
First Black Swallowtail 2014 / 500px
two white geese with orange beaks are in the water
an adult swan with two baby swans swimming in the water and one duckling is feeding
two white swans sitting on top of a lake next to eachother's head
Life is too short, don't be ....
a white swan swimming on top of a lake next to green trees and blue sky
a white swan floating on top of a body of water
A Beautiful Mess
a mother swan and her baby are resting on the water
a white swan is swimming in the water
White swan on black
two white swans are swimming in the water with their necks wrapped around each other's necks
About Wild Animals: Graceful swan love pair