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an old black and white photo of a ship in the ocean with waves crashing around it
9114-01. Glenesslin shipwrecked at base of Neahkahnie Mountain, Pacific coast. Shortly after the October 1, 1913 wreck.
a large ship floating on top of a body of water under a full moon
wavemotions:Dream by Abdurrahman Kandi
an old photo of a large sailboat in the ocean on a clear day with waves
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I get part of my sense of adventure from ancestors who immigrated here from distant lands. From a sea captain who traveled the world...
an old sailing ship in the middle of the ocean with sails down and two masts
HMS Bounty
an old pirate ship in the water with lots of rust on it's hull
pirate ship
When navigating the seas, Vikings used crows as navigational equipment. Crows are land lovers, and when the weather made visibility difficult, they released crows to see which direction it would fly. Since they almost always flew toward land ,they followed the crow's path. Some Norsemen carried the birds in a cage tied to the top of the mast. Later, as ships changed and grew larger, they placed a sailor in a bucket high atop the main mast to look for land, pirates, and other dangers. The nam... Pirate Ship Art, Bird In A Cage, Pirate Art, Ship Tattoo, Ship Paintings
Sailing Biography
When navigating the seas, Vikings used crows as navigational equipment. Crows are land lovers, and when the weather made visibility difficult, they released crows to see which direction it would fly. Since they almost always flew toward land ,they followed the crow's path. Some Norsemen carried the birds in a cage tied to the top of the mast. Later, as ships changed and grew larger, they placed a sailor in a bucket high atop the main mast to look for land, pirates, and other dangers. The nam...
an old pirate ship sailing in the ocean
The Flying Dutchman was on it's way home from the Far East in 1641 when a violent storm blew up. While battling the storm for hours the ship eventually hit a huge rock and began to sink. As his ship went down the captain shouted, “I will round this Cape even if I have to keep sailing until doomsday!” True to his word, the Flying Dutchman makes an appearance to sailors near the Cape of Good Hope in the midst of a storm. Legend has it that if you see the Dutchman you are as doomed as it was.
an old pirate ship is in the water
an ice covered ship in the middle of the ocean with icicles on it's hull
Frozen ghost ship
a sailboat sailing in the ocean at sunset with clouds and sun setting behind it
Tall Ships
an old sailing ship in the water near a lighthouse with a flag on it's mast
Pirates by Gestur Skarphedinsson / 500px
Pirate ship
an old sailing ship in the water at sunset
a large ship sailing on top of the ocean at night time with lights on it's sails
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Tall ship by night