UNESCO World Heritage

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the inside of an old water well with carvings on it's sides and walls
古代文明ミステリー たけしの新・世界七不思議7 インド・女王の階段井戸 "アダラジ・ヴァヴ "
the interior of an ancient building with carved pillars
tabiyori どんな時も旅日和に
a person walking up a grassy hill next to a stone wall and tree lined path
Katsuren Castle 勝連城 (Katsuren-gusuku) – Okinawa, Japan
Katsuren Castle 勝連城 (Katsuren-gusuku) is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Okinawa 沖縄県 designated in 2000. It is also one of the nine Gusuku S...
the light is on at night in the dark, with rocks and trees around it
【世界遺産】 沖縄本島北部 今帰仁村 今帰仁城跡
an old stone wall on the side of a hill
沖縄 今帰仁城跡 世界遺産
昭和初期の首里城 Shuri Castle before the war and rebuild. Ryukyu Islands, Japan Tourism, Castle Interior, Japanese Pagoda, Japan Architecture, Castles Interior, Old Photography
首里城 - 宮古島から移住して・・・:楽天ブログ
昭和初期の首里城 Shuri Castle before the war and rebuild.
首里城公園 Architecture, East Asia, Pergola, Outdoor Structures
首里城 沖縄 syuri castle     okinawa japan Wooden Castle, Japanese Traditional, Fort, Japan
首里城 沖縄 syuri castle okinawa japan
an old stone structure in the middle of a field with trees and grass around it
フェアトレード&エシカル製品なら神戸発のショップSHOTO TRADING
中城城跡。 #沖縄 #旅行 #石 #behappykobe
several large piles of steel pipes in a warehouse
「平成の大修理」で大天守から下ろされた瓦=2011年9月、姫路城 ▼30Dec2014共同通信|姫路城の瓦8000枚少なく 枚数集計で明らかに http://www.kobe-np.co.jp/news/himeji/201412/0007621776.shtml #Himeji_Castle_Roof_tiles
an aerial view of a white building surrounded by trees
- 毎日新聞
the castle is surrounded by cherry blossoms and trees with pink flowers on it's branches
iPhone壁紙 お花見・夜桜・花吹雪 美しい桜のある風景 - NAVER まとめ
Himeji Castle (姫路城, Himejijō) is widely considered Japan's most spectacular castle.