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From man-jeggings to dresses, skirts and bizarre hats made out of wooden planks, men's fashion can be terrifyingly weird. Below are some of the masterpieces from the Men's Fashion week in London, in 2013. I've never seen men look more uncomfortable or more unhappy than these three in dresses and high boots. I... Fashion Fail, Celana Jogger Wanita, Ugly Fashion, Ugly Outfits, Bad Fashion, Mode Abaya, Crazy Outfits, Funny Fashion, Weird Fashion

From man-jeggings to dresses, skirts and bizarre hats made out of wooden planks, men's fashion can be terrifyingly weird. Below are some of the masterpieces from the Men's Fashion week in London, in 2013. I've never seen men look more uncomfortable or more unhappy than these three in dresses and high boots. I...

Zack Nicklin