Wild bees

Learn how to create a bee-friendly garden and attract wild bees to help pollinate your plants. Discover top tips and ideas for providing a habitat that will support these important pollinators.
Bee Identification, Keep Bees Away, Remedies For Bee Stings, Bee Repellent, Getting Rid Of Bees, Honey Bee Swarm, Honey Bee Facts, Bee Facts, Types Of Bees

FYI, "meat bees" are actually wasps. Yellow jacket wasps. Bees are vegetarian, and are not aggressive. Late in the summer we see lots of wasps. When other food sources (nectar and insects) for wasps dry up and decline, wasps come more aggressively to our picnics and BBQs.&n

Nature, Honey Bees Keeping, Mildly Interesting, Orange Mushroom, Bee Swarm, Neat Tricks, Ceramic Texture, Melaka, Save The Bees

We’ve all got our personal deep-seated fears. It can be extremely embarrassing to admit them, so I’ll go first: I’m irrationally afraid of heights and needles. And even though I can conquer my fears for short stretches of time, they still sneak up on me from time to time, especially when I least expect it. So even though I don’t have trypophobia, I can fully understand what someone suffering from it feels.

Christina Vandervlist
El Kattunayakan son personas tribales que viven profundamente en los bosques de la Reserva de la Biosfera Nilgiris en el sur de la India. Recogen y venden miel. Wild Honey, Save The Bees, Alam Semula Jadi, Bees Knees, Bee Keeping, Anthropology, Science And Nature, Bee Hive, Honey Bee

The Kattunayakan are tribal people who live deep in the forests of the Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve in South India. They collect and sell wild honey. Today, settlers from the crowded plains and eviction from the forest reserve threaten both their land and their traditions. *Mari Marcel Thekaekara* accompanied a group of Kattunayakan on one of their forays into the jungle.

Gerhard Herlitze