Teen wolf motel california

Step into the world of Teen Wolf with these inspiring ideas for your own Motel California. Get inspired to create a space that captures the essence of the show and brings the magic to life.
Teen Wolf Motel California, Teen Wolf Script, Scott Allison, Japan 80's Aesthetic, Teen Wolf Scenes, Scott And Stiles, Lana Del Rey Art, Stiles And Lydia, Beacon Hills

Motel California is episode six of MTV's Teen Wolf Season 3. The episode was viewed by 1.855 million people during its initial broadcast. Scott and the gang undergo strange experiences when they are stranded at a motel, causing them to believe members of their own group may be the mysterious killer's newest targets. A man in a pickup truck pulls into the Motel Glen Capri in the fictitious town of Fairvale, California (the same town name is used in the movie Psycho). The headline in the local…
