Stuyvesant high school

Discover the excellence of Stuyvesant High School with its rigorous academics, diverse extracurricular activities, and vibrant student community. Get insights into the top programs and opportunities offered at Stuyvesant High School.
Why did NYC's top high school only accept seven Black  students this year? Setting Aesthetic, Stuyvesant High School, Harriet The Spy, Black Students, The Ides Of March, Public High School, School Building, Study Abroad, Higher Education

The Ides of March in New York City bring high school placement results for thousands of 8th graders. This year, Stuyvesant, the city’s most selective public high school, accepted only seven African-American students out of a class of 952. Last year, that number was nine. Had they counted my son, they could have gone […]

This Year Only 10 Black Students Got Into N.Y.C.s Top High School - A bitter debate about diversity in the nations largest school system followed news last year that Stuyvesant High School had admitted just seven black students. Stuyvesant High School, Black Students, Hispanic American, Tourist Center, School Testing, Public High School, Private Hospitals, Elementary School Students, High Stakes

This Year Only 10 Black Students Got Into N.Y.C.s Top High School - A bitter debate about diversity in the nations largest school system followed news last year that Stuyvesant High School had admitted just seven black students.

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