Something about me quotes

Explore a collection of quotes about me that will inspire and resonate with you. Find words that capture your unique qualities and share them with the world.
The first time I saw you, I knew there was something about you. It was as if you were the only person in the room. Something about you made my heart jump and made me stare at you for a moment. It was something about the way you looked and how you were talking that made me so intrigued. In that moment I knew you were, “the one”... ♥️😕🙏🏻 I Appreciate You Quotes, Appreciate You Quotes, Do Good Quotes, About You Quotes, Secret Crush Quotes, Boxing Quotes, Journey Quotes, Soulmate Quotes, Quotes About Everything

The first time I saw you, I knew there was something about you. It was as if you were the only person in the room. Something about you made my heart jump and made me stare at you for a moment. It was something about the way you looked and how you were talking that made me so intrigued. In that moment I knew you were, “the one”... ♥️😕🙏🏻
