Social media obsession art

Discover unique and thought-provoking art pieces that explore the theme of social media obsession. Immerse yourself in a world where art and technology collide, and reflect on the impact of social media on our lives.
I worry about our collective mental health and well-being. I worry about what this is doing to our brain chemistry — if the use of social media and all the hate therein is fundamentally changing our brains at a molecular level that will get passed down to the next generations.

Read the blog here: Social Media And Mental Health, Social Media Drawings Negative, Social Media Painting, Painting Mental Health, Social Media Mental Health, Health Painting, Social Media Negative, Social Media Psychology, Happy Mental Health

I worry about our collective mental health and well-being. I worry about what this is doing to our brain chemistry — if the use of social media and all the hate therein is fundamentally changing our brains at a molecular level that will get passed down to the next generations. Read the blog here:

Amber Wardell || Marriage, Motherhood, & Mental Health