Slims aaron photography

Explore the captivating world of photography by Slims Aaron. Discover stunning images that will leave you in awe and inspire your own photography journey.
Painter and sculptor Wendy Vanderbilt Lehman, here photographed at her Palm Beach home in 1964, never studied art formally, but as the grandniece of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney, founder of the Whitney Museum of American Art in New York, her artistic "genes were strong," writes Hawk.  Photographer: Slim AaronsPhotographer: Slim Aarons Slim Aaron, Wallpapers Food, Slim Aarons Photography, Slim Aarons Photos, Famous Photography, Slim Aarons, Food Diy, Beauty Natural, Vintage Inspiration

Jeans. T-shirts. Running shoes. Those were the three items of clothing that postwar society photographer Slim Aarons refused to shoot, even though most of his work was of the international jet set at play. The result of this policy is a 50-year record of casual dressing with class.
