Rwby manga

Dive into the world of RWBY with the captivating manga series. Discover thrilling adventures, epic battles, and fascinating characters in this must-read manga for fans of the RWBY franchise.
Rose Hairstyle, Ruby Rose Hair, Rwby Ruby Rose, Ruby Rose Rwby, Crescent Rose, Beacon Academy, Team Jnpr, Rwby Cosplay, Frozen Rose

(This is a Schnee Male Reader x Ruby Rose) Y/N Schnee a kind hearted boy growing up in the icy Atlas, The powers of the world are going to be out to get him, Will a certain Rose be his saving grace? (Best rating so far - #1 Weiss tag 12/4/2021) (Another good rating - #1 Ozpin tag 28/4/2021) I guess that's cool Bruh number 2 in winter tag(18/06/2021)
