Prevent diastasis recti

Learn how to prevent diastasis recti with these effective tips. Strengthen your core muscles and protect your abdominal wall with simple exercises and lifestyle changes.
When you gently press your fingers along the midline of your abdomen, you'll feel a gap if you have diastasis recti. As the gap starts closing, you'll notice increased tension and resistance when you press, indicating that your abdominal muscles are coming back together. #diastasisrecti #closingthegap #newmom #postpartumbody #afterbirth #motherhood #pelvicfloortherapy #physicaltherapy

When you gently press your fingers along the midline of your abdomen, you'll feel a gap if you have diastasis recti. As the gap starts closing, you'll notice increased tension and resistance when you press, indicating that your abdominal muscles are coming back together. #diastasisrecti #closingthegap #newmom #postpartumbody #afterbirth #motherhood #pelvicfloortherapy #physicaltherapy


I have been getting so many questions from mommies regarding Diastasis Recti and how to treat it. I wrote a HUGE nice long post on DA which you can read here, but now I am back to bring you a Diastasis Recti Workout Challenge to keep you motivated to healing those separated muscles. If you […]

Nic Knack

One of my biggest fears during my last two pregnancies was developing Diastasis Recti or “DA.”. For those of you who have no clue what that is, it’s the medical condition in which your two abdominal muscles split apart during pregnancy due to an excess amount of pressure on the abdominal wall. This leaves a […]

It is possible to heal your Diastasis Recti and lose your Mommy tummy? Need some inspiration? Then have a look at these before and after pictures of women who restored their core by following an exercise program and consistently working out. Click for a visual guide to diastasis recti.  #shebirthsbravely #doula #postpartum #diastasisrecti #mommytummy #fourthtrimester

It is possible to heal your Diastasis Recti and lose your Mommy tummy? Need some inspiration? Then have a look at these before and after pictures of women who restored their core by following an exercise program and consistently working out. Click for a visual guide to diastasis recti. #shebirthsbravely #doula #postpartum #diastasisrecti #mommytummy #fourthtrimester

She Births Bravely
One of the most-common conditions that I treat as a physical therapist is diastasis recti (DR). This is a condition that affects up to 60% of women either during pregnancy or postpartum. Fortunately, there’s a lot that exercise can do to help this condition if done correctly. Today I wanted to share with you 3 ab exercises you should definitely NOT do with a DR, and what you should do instead to tone your abs and help heal this separation.

One of the most-common conditions that I treat as a physical therapist is diastasis recti (DR). This is a condition that affects up to 60% of women either during pregnancy or postpartum. Fortunately, there’s a lot that exercise can do to help this condition if done correctly. Today I wanted to share with you 3 ab exercises you should definitely NOT do with a DR, and what you should do instead to tone your abs and help heal this separation.

Tone and Tighten, LLC