Love feels like

Experience the magic of love with heartwarming stories that capture what love truly feels like. Explore the depths of emotion and be inspired to create your own love story.
"If you’re going to love, love like you mean it. Tell that person you care. Look them in the eyes. Kiss them with passion and a fearlessness that bubbles up from your chest. Don’t wonder whether or not they feel the same energy. Don’t stress over what you have right now, and whether it will grow. Don’t be afraid of the way life is imperfect and fragile. Just love." (… What If Love Quotes, What Does Love Feel Like Quotes, What Does It Feel Like To Be In Love, Love Feels Like, What Love Feels Like, What Love Is Quotes, Meaningful Love Quotes, Soul Mate Love, Relationships Quotes

"If you’re going to love, love like you mean it. Tell that person you care. Look them in the eyes. Kiss them with passion and a fearlessness that bubbles up from your chest. Don’t wonder whether or not they feel the same energy. Don’t stress over what you have right now, and whether it will grow. Don’t be afraid of the way life is imperfect and fragile. Just love."…

Traci Andrews