Loki black and white

Explore a collection of captivating black and white artwork featuring Loki. Discover the beauty of this iconic Marvel character in a whole new light.
Tom Hiddleston, Loki, The Avengers, Loki Black And White, Avengers Black And White, Loki God, God Of Mischief, Loki God Of Mischief, Loki Avengers

Loki’s P.O.V I locked the door, and stepped further inside the room. I had to talk to the Other. The foolish girl was refusing to join me, and in that way, refusing to join him, like he wanted. Why did he want her though? She barely even put up a fight when I took her here, even if she is the most stubborn mortal girl I ever met. I sat down on the cold concrete ground, legs crossed and the scep...

Loki Black And White, Villain Suit, Black And White Marvel, Goth Disney Princess, Loki Whispers, Marvel Wall Art, Loki Aesthetic, Marvel Coloring, Marvel Wall

"Quando dovresti partire?" Chiese improvvisamente, cogliendomi ancora una volta di sorpresa. "Cosa c'è Hiddleston? Vuoi già cacciarmi dall'America?" Ridacchiai. Poi improvvisamente mi agitai perché forse non mi ero poi sbagliata così tanto. Rise affettuosamente e strinse con un po' più di forza le mie spalle in un gesto involontario. "Al contrario." Si inumidì poi le labbra prima di mormorare con voce roca "Ho posticipato la tua data di ritorno" "Cosa?" Spalancai gli occhi "P-Perché?"…
