James hook

Explore the life and achievements of James Hook, a remarkable figure in history. Learn about his contributions and impact in various fields and be inspired by his journey.
Today's boy, Jason Isaacs as Cap'n Hook Peter Pan Pictures, Peter Pan 2003, James Hook, Peter Pan Movie, Jason Isaacs, Lucius Malfoy, Davy Jones, Pirate Life, Jolly Roger

This is for you, Aunt Pam! My husband's aunt probably doesn't even read this blog but it is because of her that I am very familiar with Jason Isaacs. Probably best known for his role as Lucius Malfoy (who may or may not be wearing a doublet underneath his robes ;) He was certainly wearing a doublet as Hook in Peter Pan Alright it was more of a frock coat. Maybe a captain's waist coat. And sometimes not even that. He also played Mr. Darling in that film (which happens to be one of my favorite…

Amber Scott