Indian breakfast photography

Explore stunning Indian breakfast photography ideas to inspire your food photography skills. Discover vibrant dishes and creative compositions that will elevate your breakfast images to the next level.

Chettinad style Instant Kuzhi Paniyaram (Gunta Ponganalu) is a delicious South Indian breakfast or snack recipe that comes together in under 20 minutes. Serve these with coconut chutney for a yummy treat.

Johanna Koivikko

Aloo Ki Sabzi is a delicious gluten-free, vegan potato curry. Best served with poori. Learn how to make Mathura style aloo curry in a few simple steps.


Poha is popular Indian breakfast made with flattened rice that is tempered with onion, curry leaves and mustard seeds. It's also vegan!

Sayoni Ganguly
Indori Poha

Indori Poha or Indori Pohe, is one of the most popular street food of Indore, Madhya Pradesh. Indori Poha is an easy-to-cook, light and nutritious snack. Indori Poha is super tasty and easy to make. Indori Poha is an Indore's popular breakfast. Indori Poha is sweet, sour and salty served with sev and onions on it, which tastes delicious.

Easy, Healthy Recipes By-Binjal's VEG Kitchen