Hairless rat cute

Discover the cuteness of hairless rats and learn interesting facts about these unique pets. Find pictures and information to help you decide if a hairless rat is the right pet for you.
Hairless Rat Hairless Mole Rat, Hairless Animals, Hairless Rat, Rat Costume, Fancy Rats, Mole Rat, Baby Rats, Rat Look

When deciding on what rat may be right for you, many people look past the hairless thinking they are not like our original fuzzy fancy rats. The truth is other then small differences they are just as playful, intelligent, snuggly and fun as our furr babies! Hairless rats are created from breeding to rex's(curly haird rats) Their are different types of hairless rats including patch work hairless. They can be hairless all over or they can have hair just on their face or random parts of their…
