Gunma japan

Discover the breathtaking beauty of Gunma, Japan. From serene hot springs to majestic mountains, explore the top attractions and hidden gems that this charming prefecture has to offer.
Niagara Falls, Gunma, Kusatsu Onsen, Gunma Japan, Aesthetic Country, Onsen Japan, Japanese Holidays, Visit Japan, Sustainable Travel

Did you know Kusatsu Onsen in Gunma Prefecture boasts the greatest output of natural hotspring water from any one source in Japan? 32,000 litres gush out a minute, enough to fill some 230,000 barrels a day. 🤯 In winter, used hotspring water from bathhouses is piped under roads to melt the snow - a great energy-saving initiative! ♨️📷 Captured by @masa_taka213 #VisitJapanAU #SustainableTravel#GunmaPrefecture #Kusatsu #Yubatake

Violet Evergarden