Crazy dog pictures

Get ready to laugh and be amazed by these crazy dog pictures. Browse through our top collection of adorable and hilarious dogs that are guaranteed to brighten your day.
Original Eyebrow Dog Funny Dog Pictures, Humour, Funny Animal Pictures, Dog With Eyebrows, Funny Eyebrows, Dog Day Afternoon, Up Dog, Cat Icon, Crazy Dog

Eyebrows on humans prevent sweat from getting to the eyes, but eyebrows on dogs? Unlike wolves and cats, dogs have developed thin eyebrow muscles that aren't easily perceived by the human eye. However, we can spot dogs with eyebrows when they try to tell us something or simply respond to humans. What we can easily notice on their faces are eye dots. These unique markings often look like natural eyebrows in both cats and dogs and help them create facial expressions. Still, all dogs do have…

Funny Planet
Our Weird Pooch Funny Dog Pictures, Psy Chihuahua, Ugly Animals, Funny Dog Faces, Ugly Dogs, Be Weird, Be Silly, Be Crazy, Silly Dogs

Hey Pandas! Recently we asked you to send us your pictures of your dogs acting weird, and as you can see from this hilarious list compiled by Bored Panda, you certainly didn't disappoint us! We've taken a bunch of your best pictures and combined them with some of our own favorites from across the internet to create this loving homage to our canine companions acting too weird for words. Scroll down to see if you can find your own crazy pooch, and feel free to send us your pictures if you…
