Cosmic dust

Explore the fascinating world of cosmic dust and its role in the formation of stars and galaxies. Learn about the latest research and discoveries in this captivating field of study.
NGC 6188, aka The Fighting Dragons of Ara, is an emission nebula in the constellation Ara about 4,000 lightyears away. It can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere sky. Approximately 600 lightyears across, NGC 6188 is an active star-forming region where the newborn stars carve up the Fighting Dragons out of the dark cosmic dust, and cause surrounding gas to glow by blasting it with streams of charged particles known as stellar winds. Science Resources, Full Blue Moon, Cosmic Dust, Do I Wanna Know, Out Of The Dark, The Fighting, Once In A Lifetime, Fun Science, Blue Moon

NGC 6188, aka The Fighting Dragons of Ara, is an emission nebula in the constellation Ara about 4,000 lightyears away. It can be seen in the Southern Hemisphere sky. Approximately 600 lightyears across, NGC 6188 is an active star-forming region where the newborn stars carve up the Fighting Dragons out of the dark cosmic dust, and cause surrounding gas to glow by blasting it with streams of charged particles known as stellar winds.

The Well of Many Worlds