Cheating karma

Explore the concept of cheating karma and how it affects our lives. Learn about the causes and effects of cheating karma and discover ways to redeem ourselves and create positive change.
Cheaters always think they can get away with infidelity. What they fail to understand is they're married to someone who knows them better than anyone they know. A cheater will run a good marriage into the ground. I know as I turned a blind eye for 24 years and till I stood up and said No More! She never stopped, so I showed her the door. She stole my life, future and shattered our Kids and Grandkids image of what a Marriage should be. But, I have to share the blame as I turned the blind eye. Playing Quotes, Quotes Cheating, Cheater Quotes, Liar Quotes, Mistake Quotes, Lies Quotes, Secrets And Lies, Cheating Quotes, Children Playing

Playing Quotes

Cheaters always think they can get away with infidelity. What they fail to understand is they're married to someone who knows them better than anyone they know. A cheater will run a good marriage into the ground. I know as I turned a blind eye for 24 years and till I stood up and said No More! She never stopped, so I showed her the door. She stole my life, future and shattered our Kids and Grandkids image of what a Marriage should be. But, I have to share the blame as I turned the blind eye.

Dale Rhode