British actresses

Discover the incredible talent of British actresses who are leaving their mark on the entertainment industry. From award-winning performances to iconic roles, these actresses are captivating audiences worldwide.
One of the few young British actors to make it without a private school education, aristocratic background, or famous parent, Maisie Williams became an overnight sensation in 2011 when she was cast as tomboy Arya Stark in "Game of Thrones," the eagerly-awaited TV adaptation of George R.R. Martin's fantastical series. #gameofthrones #aria Celebrities, Arya Stark, Arya, Girl, Stark, Maisie Williams, Hbo, Gameofthrones, Famous

One of the few young British actors to make it without a private school education, aristocratic background, or famous parent, Maisie Williams became an overnight sensation in 2011 when she was cast as tomboy Arya Stark in "Game of Thrones," the eagerly-awaited TV adaptation of George R.R. Martin's fantastical series. #gameofthrones #aria

Mariana Pessoa
Audrey Hepburn, People, Lily Collins, Aubrey Hepburn Style, Aubrey Hepburn, Lily Collins Parents, Lily Collins Hair, Lily Collins Style, Audrey Hepburn Now

Sure, time travels do not exist, and there's no proof about it, and it's all from bad Sci-Fi novels, right? No one ever could be able to travel time or have immortal life, right? If all of this is so impossible, then what about these dead-on celebrity look-alikes, that live not today, but did so a hundred years ago? How could one explain that if they are not time travelers! To be honest, we really don't have any other explanation with these doppelgangers, so let it be a great time travel…

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