Argent teen wolf

Relive the most memorable and epic moments of Argent in Teen Wolf. Discover the journey of this beloved character and get ready to be captivated by his heroic actions.
Chris Argent Aesthetic, Dad Face Claim, Argent Teen Wolf, Jr Bourne, Chris Argent, Melissa Mccall, Arthur Leywin, Ian Bohen, Peter Hale

In which the Mikaelson's, the scooby gang, the pack and past and future Hale's are brought to watch the life of Charlotte Stilinski Or in which truths and secrets will be revealed and Charlotte will learn more about who she is and the power she holds. Female OC x Peter Hale Season 1-6 (some mentions of pre teen wolf) Teen Wolf x The Vampire diaries (I do no own any of the teen wolf and the vampire diaries cast only Charlotte Stilinski, her story and her future kids)

LunaShadow Eclipse