Antonio mora artwork

Delve into the captivating world of Antonio Mora's artwork, where mixed media techniques come alive. Discover the beauty of his unique creations and be inspired to create your own masterpiece.
Fused Portraits by Antonio Mora | Art Photography, Collage Art, Photo Art, Street Art, Surrealism, Antonio Mora Artwork, Surreal Art, Double Exposure Portrait, Fotografia

Artist Antonio Mora describes his artwork as ‘cocktails’, mixtures of images found on blogs, databases, and magazines, fused seamlessly into imagery that could only come from a lucid dreamer. Whether it’s a forest melting into a woman’s face, or someone’s hair exploding into a slash of water, the dreamy portraits are hard to get out […]

Lisa Dubois
Spain-based artist Antonio Mora is an image cocktail mixer, as he calls himself on his official page. He creates stunning composite artworks out of ordinary images that he finds on the internet. His results are beautiful, mesmerizing portraits that look like pictures from another world. Portrait, Portraits, Photo Art, Art Photography, Photography, Surrealism, Surrealism Photography, Antonio Mora Artwork, Surreal Art

Spain-based artist Antonio Mora is an "image cocktail mixer," as he calls himself on his official page. He creates stunning composite artworks out of ordinary images that he finds on the internet. His results are beautiful, mesmerizing portraits that look like pictures from another world.

Cristiano Cairoli