Abusive Behavior - It's Never OK

It's never too late to say "enough!" - How to deal with an abusive relationship.
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Eminem, Life Isnt Fair, Narcissistic Mother, Toxic Relationships, Narcissism, Emotional Health, Get Over It, Good People, Self Help
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
You Aren't a Narcissist, But Could You Be an Echoist? Tumblr Best Friends, Friends Forever Pictures, Beach Photos Friends, Best Friends Forever Images, Photos Black And White, Photos Bff, Beach Pictures Friends, Family Beach Pictures, Photo Summer
You Aren’t a Narcissist, But Could You Be an Echoist?
You Aren't a Narcissist, But Could You Be an Echoist?
Porn isn’t a reflection of your failure as a wife or partner. In fact, it has very little to do with you. If you’ve got a partner who’s addicted to porn it’s a problem for both of you and it needs to be dealt with before it damages your relationship even more. They may have a difficult time quitting and that can be hard on both of you. The first step, however, is talking openly. Helping him understand the pain you’re feeling can often be strong motivation for him to change his habits. Fake Women, Second Marriage, Passionate Couples, Divorce Papers, Marriage Help, Uh Huh, Saving A Marriage, Save My Marriage, Marriage Problems
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
Porn isn’t a reflection of your failure as a wife or partner. In fact, it has very little to do with you. If you’ve got a partner who’s addicted to porn it’s a problem for both of you and it needs to be dealt with before it damages your relationship even more. They may have a difficult time quitting and that can be hard on both of you. The first step, however, is talking openly. Helping him understand the pain you’re feeling can often be strong motivation for him to change his habits.
If you feel like the only real sexual satisfaction you can enjoy includes porn, you are wrong. And you are missing out on one of the best parts of life. Porn can’t compare to the excitement and intimacy of sex with someone you love. If you have resigned yourself to relying upon porn for sexual gratification remember - you deserve better. And so does your partner. 5 Guys, Affair Recovery, You Deserve Better, Deserve Better, Negative Emotions, You Deserve, Helpful Hints, Feel Like, How To Find Out
If you feel like the only real sexual satisfaction you can enjoy includes porn, you are wrong. And you are missing out on one of the best parts of life. Porn can’t compare to the excitement and intimacy of sex with someone you love. If you have resigned yourself to relying upon porn for sexual gratification remember - you deserve better. And so does your partner.
We hear a lot about “living your own truth” and “making life your own.” While this sounds like a strong and independent way to live, sometimes those mantras can be used to justify bad behavior. People who want to rewrite history or live a fictional present are hard to reason with. If you recognize that someone you care about is trying to live a life based on lies then proceed with caution. It’s likely that somewhere inside they know what they're doing, but convincing them of this won’t be easy. Bad Behavior Quotes, Behavior Quotes, Proceed With Caution, Perfect Beard, Beard Kit, Bad Behavior, Gifts For Photographers, Important Facts, Move On
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
We hear a lot about “living your own truth” and “making life your own.” While this sounds like a strong and independent way to live, sometimes those mantras can be used to justify bad behavior. People who want to rewrite history or live a fictional present are hard to reason with. If you recognize that someone you care about is trying to live a life based on lies then proceed with caution. It’s likely that somewhere inside they know what they're doing, but convincing them of this won’t be easy.
There's a perception that quitting or walking away from something is a character flaw. Most of us want to have a “never give up” and “try harder” attitude. While that’s great for things like exercise or budgeting, it doesn’t always work well in relationships. Sometimes our best choice, and a true measure of character, is knowing when to move on. It can be really hard to see this at times because giving up feels like failure. When To Walk Away Quotes, Family Strength Quotes, Walk Away Quotes, When To Walk Away, Away Quotes, Quotes Work, Family Love Quotes, Divorce Quotes, Love Life Quotes
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
There's a perception that quitting or walking away from something is a character flaw. Most of us want to have a “never give up” and “try harder” attitude. While that’s great for things like exercise or budgeting, it doesn’t always work well in relationships. Sometimes our best choice, and a true measure of character, is knowing when to move on. It can be really hard to see this at times because giving up feels like failure.
a bee sitting on top of an orange flower
Recognizing the Presence of Toxic Femininity
Recognizing the Presence of Toxic Femininity
We all have known this person or have seen them on Facebook. They're charismatic and may seem like they have friends, but they’ve really just surrounded themselves with people who are happy to feed their egos. Unfortunately, those who are willing to do that often find themselves abandoned and alone when times get tough or when they really need a friend. A friendship, or any relationship, requires give and take on both parts and it should be with someone who is as good to you as you are to them. Wise Words, Life Lessons, Under Your Spell, Narcissistic People, Narcissistic Behavior, Great Quotes
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
We all have known this person or have seen them on Facebook. They're charismatic and may seem like they have friends, but they’ve really just surrounded themselves with people who are happy to feed their egos. Unfortunately, those who are willing to do that often find themselves abandoned and alone when times get tough or when they really need a friend. A friendship, or any relationship, requires give and take on both parts and it should be with someone who is as good to you as you are to them.
the best person to talk to about the problems in your relationship is the person you're in a
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
Complaining to friends about your spouse or partner can feel good sometimes. And for some people sharing these complaints can feel like just being one of the girls or guys. But if you’re really having issues in your relationship your friends aren’t going to be able to resolve them for you. And sharing intimate details about your partner and relationship isn’t respectful of either one. If you truly want change you’ll need to talk to your partner and be willing to work together to fix things.
Some abuse is obvious – bruises and broken bones are clear signs. But there are many abusive behaviors that can be hard to spot, even for the person being abused. Most abusive relationships start off normally enough and then little by little change over time. By the time the person being abused recognizes what’s happening – if they ever do – it can be very difficult to get out. If you see any of the signs above in your relationship it’s time to do some serious thinking about what to do next. Relationship Tips, Chronic Liar, No More Drama, A Silent Voice
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
Some abuse is obvious – bruises and broken bones are clear signs. But there are many abusive behaviors that can be hard to spot, even for the person being abused. Most abusive relationships start off normally enough and then little by little change over time. By the time the person being abused recognizes what’s happening – if they ever do – it can be very difficult to get out. If you see any of the signs above in your relationship it’s time to do some serious thinking about what to do next.
a green poster with the words to the people that say you should respect your family
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
We hear this a lot, don’t we? “Family first, respect your family, never go against your family.” It all sounds appropriate and admirable - I mean who can argue with the importance of family. But we can paint with a wide brush when we say this. We want all want to believe that families are full of love and have the best interest of their members in mind, but that’s not always the case. k it.
We Verbally Abuse The Wrong People How come many of us verbally abuse the wrong people? The people we love, rather than the people we hate. It's easy to think of verbal abuse as something someone else does, but most of us have been guilty of it at some point if we're really honest with ourselves. Unfortunately, for some, verbal abuse becomes a habit, not just an occasional mistake. Counseling Quotes, Attracted To Someone, Power Quotes, Youre Doing It Wrong, Guy Stuff, Tough Love, Words Worth, Serious Relationship, Powerful Quotes
Guy Stuff Counseling (guystuff08) on Pinterest
We Verbally Abuse The Wrong People How come many of us verbally abuse the wrong people? The people we love, rather than the people we hate. It's easy to think of verbal abuse as something someone else does, but most of us have been guilty of it at some point if we're really honest with ourselves. Unfortunately, for some, verbal abuse becomes a habit, not just an occasional mistake.
Emotionally abusive relationships can be hard to recognize. Often the person living with the abuse doesn’t even realize it. The signs are subtle and far easier to mask than bruises or broken bones. For that reason people being emotional abused can live in those relationships for years without anyone knowing it. Don’t be afraid to reach out and provide support to someone you suspect is in an abusive relationship.  For more information check us out at www.guystuffcounseling.com Psychology, Name Calling, Personality Disorder, Psych, The Well, Just In Case
Emotionally abusive relationships can be hard to recognize. Often the person living with the abuse doesn’t even realize it. The signs are subtle and far easier to mask than bruises or broken bones. For that reason people being emotional abused can live in those relationships for years without anyone knowing it. Don’t be afraid to reach out and provide support to someone you suspect is in an abusive relationship. For more information check us out at www.guystuffcounseling.com
a quote that says don't hold on because you think there will be no one else
One of the primary reasons for people staying in unhealthy relationships is that they don’t believe they can find or deserve anyone better. It's often the case as well, that people in these relationships have no idea they're being treated poorly. If you suspect that you, or someone you love, is in an unhealthy or emotionally abusive relationship, speak up. No one deserves that. For more tips check us out at www.guystuffcounseling.com
a man and woman staring at each other in front of a dark background with their nose piercings
How Can You Identify Emotional Abuse in a Relationship?
How Can You Identify Emotional Abuse in a Relationship? - Beliefnet