Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist

The eco-friendly Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist, also known as "White Castle by the sea" stamps the island Juist with its seaside resort architecture since 1898. But…
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an image of a hotel with the words strandhotel kurhaus just above it
Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist
The eco-friendly Strandhotel Kurhaus Juist, also known as "White Castle by the sea" stamps the island Juist with its seaside resort architecture since 1898. But not only the location at the miles long beach but also the varied wellness offers contribute to relaxation and deceleration. The hotel is Thalasso certified with an own sea water well. There are different saunas, a Rasul steam bath and a swimming hall with a gorgeous sea view. | GREEN PEARLS® UNIQUE PLACES #ecotravel #juist #strand
two people in a kayak with the words eco - holidays for the adventurers
Eco-Urlaub für Abenteuerlustige - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Nur am Strand liegen ist nichts für euch? Dann haben wir heute genau das richtige für euch: Wir stellen euch sechs grüne Perlen vor, in denen abenteuerbegeisterte Reisende auf ihre Kosten kommen – und das im Einklang mit der Natur. | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #eco #reise #abenteuer
two people standing in the middle of a forest with text overlay that reads eco - holidays for the adventurers
Eco-Urlaub für Abenteuerlustige - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Nur am Strand liegen ist nichts für euch? Dann haben wir heute genau das richtige für euch: Wir stellen euch sechs grüne Perlen vor, in denen abenteuerbegeisterte Reisende auf ihre Kosten kommen – und das im Einklang mit der Natur. | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #eco #reise #abenteuer
two people standing in the middle of a forest with text overlay that reads eco - holidays for the adventurers
Eco-holidays for the adventurous - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Lying on the beach all day long is not for you? Then we have just the thing for you: We present six green pearls, in which adventurous travelers get their money’s worth – and all this in harmony with nature. | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #eco #travel #adventure
two people in a kayak with the words eco - holidays for the adventurers
Eco-holidays for the adventurous - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Lying on the beach all day long is not for you? Then we have just the thing for you: We present six green pearls, in which adventurous travelers get their money’s worth – and all this in harmony with nature. | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #eco #travel #adventure
the front cover of an eco - luxury hotel, with lounge chairs and umbrellas
Eco-luxury: 7 hotels that perfectly combine comfort and sustainability - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Do you like to treat yourself to something very special on vacation? Even though many believe that sustainability and luxury are mutually exclusive, these seven hotels prove the opposite! | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #eco #luxury #travel
the grass is growing on the beach by the water and clouds in the sky behind it
Anticyclical travel – tips for the low season
Abandoned beaches where you can take a deep breath, a hiking trail to enjoy the silence and old alleys just waiting to be discovered – those who want to escape mass tourism can choose to travel anticyclically. Any time of year is off-season somewhere and it is worth discovering the benefits of it. | GREEN PEARLS #greenpearls #eco #travel #strandhotelkurhausuist #juist
a large white building sitting on the side of a lush green hillside under a cloudy sky
Anticyclical travel – tips for the low season
Abandoned beaches where you can take a deep breath, a hiking trail to enjoy the silence and old alleys just waiting to be discovered – those who want to escape mass tourism can choose to travel anticyclically. Any time of year is off-season somewhere and it is worth discovering the benefits of it. | GREEN PEARLS #greenpearls #eco #travel #strandhotelkurhausuist #juist
the most stunning hideaways in the world
The most stunning hideaways for your next vacation - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Whether alone, as couple or family – we want to leave our everyday worries behind on vacation. To make this become true we introduce the most beautiful hideaways: These eco-hotels ensure perfect relaxation away from the hustle and bustle! | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #greentravelblog #hideaway #eco #luxury
the most stunning hideaways in the world
Die schönsten Hideaways für euren nächsten Urlaub - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Ob alleine, zu zweit oder als Familie – im Urlaub wollen wir alle Sorgen hinter uns lassen. Damit das perfekt gelingt, zeigen wir euch die schönsten Hideaways: Diese Eco-Hotels sorgen für die perfekte Entspannung fernab des Trubels! | GREEN TRAVEL BLOG #greenpearls #greentravel #eco #luxury #hideaway
a tall white building sitting on top of a lush green field next to tall grass
Habt ihr unseren gut aussehenden Nachbarn schon kennengelernt? Was wäre ein Juist-Urlaub ohne sein „gö-göck“? 😉#juist #töwerland #urlaub #Regram via @strandhotelkurhausjuist
the sun shines brightly in the sky over an empty sandy area with grass and sand dunes
Wind im Haar, Sonne im Gesicht, Meer im Blick - das ist Glück. 😊#juist #strandhotelkurhausjuist #sehnsuchtnachmeer #Regram via @strandhotelkurhausjuist
the sun is setting over the ocean with a sailboat in the water near it
@greenpearls posted to Instagram: Sunsets on Juist are just too good to be true! ;-) This picture from @strandhotelkurhausjuist seems almost unreal, but if you've been on Juist before, you know that it looks like this from time to time. . Regram by @strandhotelkurhausjuist . . . #greenpearls #greentravel #greentravels #greentravelguide #travelgreen #sustainabletravel #sustainabletraveling #travelsustainable #responsibletourism#nachhaltigreisen #sustainabletourism #uniqueplaces #igramethical #eco
an old building with text overlay that says accommodations for the most comfortable sleep in ancient masonry
5 accommodations in ancient masonry - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Today, we introduce you to five #historic accommodations spread all over the world that are monuments of extraordinary and long-lasting construction methods. If these walls could talk, they would tell you stories about the past days. Moreover, the buildings have been renovated with regard to energy efficiency and #sustainability over the years. Experience a journey through time in the antique walls of these unusual #accommodations. #ecohotel #greenpearls #juist #strandhotel #responsibletravel
the top five things to see in germany with text overlay that reads, 5 unterk
5 Unterküfte in historischen Gemäuern - GREEN TRAVEL BLOG
Heute stellen wir euch 5 historische Unterkünfte vor, die außergewöhnlichen und langlebigen Bauweisen ein Denkmal setzen–Zeitreise-Feeling inklusive! Wenn Wände reden könnten, würden sie euch von den vergangenen Tagen berichten. Natürlich sind die Gebäude im Laufe der Jahre #energieeffizient und #nachhaltig renoviert worden! Einmal quer um die Welt wünschen wir euch in den geschichtsträchtigen Gemäuern dieser besonderen Unterkünfte einen tiefen Schlaf. #ecohotel #greenpearls #strandhotel #juist