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an arabic text with the words get off your high horse in english and arabic letters
اترك كبريائك المصطنع او المزيفDeja ir tu orgullo artificial o falso................
English Writing Skills, English Writing, Learning Arabic
there is a sign that says second to none in arabic and the words second to none below it
Incomparabile, impareggiabile
the words mayhem written in arabic on a black background with white letters and an image of
فوضىDağınıklık......混乱してる.....Pasticcio......Un désordre......
an arabic text that reads i'm at my wits end, in white on black
Una persona nervosa e confusa che non sa cosa fare è distratta........무엇을 해야할지 모르는 긴장하고 혼란스러운 사람은 산만 해집니다........Una persona nervosa e confusa che non sa cosa fare è distratta........Ne yapacağını bilmeyen gergin, kafası karışmış bir kişinin dikkati dağılır........Una persona nerviosa y confundida que no sabe qué hacer está distraída........Eine nervöse, verwirrte Person, die nicht weiß, was sie tun soll, ist abgelenkt........Une personne nerveuse et confuse qui ne sait pas quoi faire est distraite........Нервный, сбитый с толку человек, который не знает, что делать, отвлекается........Eine nervöse, verwirrte Person, die nicht weiß, was sie tun soll, ist abgelenkt........
a sign that says stick your neck out
Rischia, rischia.... Prendre un risque, prendre un risque.... Toma un riesgo, toma un riesgo...... Рискни, рискни...... Arrisque-se, arrisque-se..... Risk al, risk al
an arabic text with the words here she comes'karem written in white on a black background
問題を探している人。.........Quello che è alla ricerca di problemi..........
Derjenige, der nach Problemen sucht..........Celui qui cherche des problèmes..........문제를 찾고 있는 사람..........El que está buscando problemas..........Sorun arayan kişi..........Quello che è alla ricerca di problemi..........Тот, кто ищет проблемы..........寻找问题的人。.........
Learning Arabic MSA (#FabienneM) Learn English Speaking, Bahasa Arab, English Vocab, Positive Words Quotes
Learning Arabic MSA (#FabienneM)
the words can i pay instalments? in english and arabic on a purple background
an arabic quote with the words make a mountain out of moehll written in white
an arabic text with the words from soup to nuts