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a book cover with an image of two wings on top of each other
Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth
Leadership Pain: The Classroom for Growth
a person holding up a book with the title what makes love last?
the art of witty banter be clever, quick, and magnetic by patrick king
The Art of Witty Banter
The Art of Witty Banter: Be Clever, Quick, & Magnetic (2nd Edition) (How to be More Likable and Charismatic) Paperback
a woman holding a coffee cup in her hand and reading a book with the title, create an elegant mindset
23 Ways To Create An Elegant Mindset | Change your habits. Change your life.
True elegance comes from having the right mindset and thoughts to have an elevated perspective about living. Luckily, creating an elegant mindset is something that anyone can do if they really want to change their life. === classy woman, lady rules, feminine tips, ideas classy, be classy, classy ideas, classy tips, classy life, elegant life, feminine tips, how to be feminine, feminine power, how to be elegant, improving life, self development, become rich, level up tips, how to be rich
the book cover for let him chase you by lynn gilard, with two people made out of coffee beans
Let Him Chase You: A Simple Guide for Women Who Want Both Long-Lasting Love and Respect in Their Relationships with Men
a person holding up a book with the title make instagram work for your business
Make Instagram work for your business
how to own the world a plain english guide to thinking globally and investing wisely
How to Own the World: A Plain English Guide to Thinking Globally and Investing Wisely
how to be married what i learned from real women on five contents about building a happy marriage
13 unforgettable insights from a year reading about relationships, time management, and getting ahead at work