
262 Pins
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a woman sitting on top of a motorcycle with an apple painted on it's seat
a man with no shirt on posing for a photo in front of a white wall
Johnny - SITE JOHNNY HALLYDAY 1943-2017
two men riding on the backs of brown horses in an open area with dry grass
a man holding his hands to his face with the words johnny hallyd on it
Johnny Hallyday
a man in leather pants leaning against a wall with his hand on the door handle
Johnny - SITE JOHNNY HALLYDAY 1943-2017
a man holding his hands up in the air while singing into a microphone
black and white photograph of a man in leather pants standing on train tracks near a train
a man playing an electric guitar on stage
Johnny Hallyday (2014)
a man in black leather pants and sunglasses on stage with his foot up to the microphone
an image of a man that is playing guitar in the stage setting with other people watching
a man riding on the back of a motorcycle down a street next to a parking lot
three men are sitting at a table and one man is pouring wine into the glass