cool quotes i guess? i’m bored.

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a quote that reads, come on dance with me the earth is spinning we can't stand on it
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an open page in a book with the words, where do you begin to begin?
Sue Zhao
Not To Me Not If It's You Quote, Silk Scarfs, Pretty Quotes
Sylvia Plath, Unloveable Quote, Literary Quotes, Poets
an image of a quote that reads, my deplorable mama for analys exhaust me i doubt everything
the text is written in two different languages, and it appears to be very confusing
I'm Annoying, Mental And Emotional Health, New Energy, Relatable Quotes, Worth It
I struggle a lot with intense self-loathing, and this text punched me right in the gut.
an article in the paper that says, i am afraid to write the strong word
a tweet that reads, literally every person is messed up, so pick your favorite train wreck and roll with it
32 Funny Memes Of Varying Pointlessness
an image with the words i could live almost completely in imagination
a quote with the words draw a monster why is it a monster? daughter by janice lee i think about this quote at lot via melsica
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