Funny jokes

"Unleash unstoppable laughter with our side-splitting collection of funny jokes! From classic one-liners to clever puns, we've got something to tickle…
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the poem is written in black and white
JOHN’S GUILTY - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
the text is written in green and black on a pink background with an image of a man
The badge - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
the text is written in black and white
When a dad had done all things as he could to save his son.But no one expect this kind of ending after-all . - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
a girl with a violin in her hand and the caption below reads, a young irish girl goes to confusion and says, me father, for i have
A Young Irish Girl Goes To Confession - funny jokes
A young Irish girl goes to confession and says, “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. The priest replies, “Go ahead, my child.” #funny #jokes #lol #humor
the poem is written in black and yellow
Mother and Bride
Mother and Bride – Damn Funny Post
a man in a suit and tie is holding a stick with the words, fax of professor to his wife
Fax Of Professor To His Wife..
Fax Of Professor To His Wife.. – Damn Funny Post
a mother has three virgin daughters in her arms and the text below reads,'a mother has three virgins they were all getting married on the same day because
A mother and Three Daughter
an image of a man and woman in the living room with text that reads, a wife usually calls her husband at the office one afternoon
A Wife casually calls her husband – funny jokes and humor
A Wife casually calls her husband at the office one afternoon Wife: Hi, how r u…? Husband: I m fine…! Wife: What did u have for lunch today? Husband: Dont you have anything else to ask?? You have only silly questions like what did you eat … what dress wearing whom did u ur wearing… […] The post A Wife casually calls her husband – funny jokes and humor appeared first on Funny Jokes and Story - Humors.
a poem from the children's book little johnny was walking on the beach when he saw an old bottle in the sand
Little Johnny was walking on the beach
Little Johnny was walking on the beach when he saw an old bottle in the sand. He picked it up and cleaned it. Then a genie came out and said, ” Boy, Thank You for letting me You for letting me out. Make a wish and I’ll grant it !!” Little Johnny: ” True? Well, […] The post Little Johnny was walking on the beach appeared first on Funny Jokes and Story - Humors.
a man and woman standing next to each other with the words husband and wife are awake at 3 am
A husband and wife are awoken – funny jokes and humor
A husband and wife are awoken at 3 AM by a loud pounding on the door The husband looks out the bedroom window through the pouring rain, and sees a car he does not recognize parked on the street out front. He gets up to answer the door, where a drunken stranger, standing in the […] The post A husband and wife are awoken – funny jokes and humor appeared first on Funny Jokes and Story - Humors.
a horse and a chicken are playing together in a meadow, when suddenly the ground gives way and the horse falls into a deep pit
A Horse And a chicken are playing together – funny jokes and humor
A Horse And a chicken are playing together in a meadow, when suddenly the ground gives way, and the horse falls into a deep pit. The horse calls out to the chicken, “Chicken, you have to help me get out of here!” So the chicken takes off for the farm. He runs to the barn, […] The post A Horse And a chicken are playing together – funny jokes and humor appeared first on Funny Jokes and Story - Humors.
funny jokes and humor Couple Jokes, Funny Marriage Jokes, Spanish Jokes, Best Funny Jokes
A man gets shipwrecked on an island – funny jokes and humor
A man gets shipwrecked on an island and his only two companions are a dog…and a pig. He manages to find plenty of #funny #jokes #lol #humor #man
a poster with an image of a man sitting in front of stacks of coins and money
FUNNY Archives - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
FUNNY Archives - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
a man gets shipwrecked on an island and his only two companions are a dog and a pig he manages to find plenty of food for the three of them, and they
FUNNY Archives - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors
FUNNY Archives - Funny Jokes and Story - Humors