2023 references

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The Facet freestanding room divider stands as focal point in the room, creating a cozy sitting area.
an art piece with many different colored glass objects on it's sides, hanging from a wooden frame
Jeff Goodman Studio blows coloured glass beads for Devil's Abacus screen
an artistic sculpture in front of a building at night
新宮 晋 Susumu Shingu 「 風の音符 / Wind Musical Notes」
新宮 晋 Susumu Shingu 「 風の音符 / Wind Musical Notes」 1989年 高:675×2点 540×2点 横浜美術館(横浜市西区みなとみらい)
an upside down pink and white kite in the grass
NEON constructs a colourful cathedral in France that moves with the wind
a white and yellow sculpture sitting on top of a cement ground next to rocks with metal poles sticking out of it
蒙特利尔四季酒店艺术装置 Contemplation / Pascale Girardin