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a boat made out of sticks and other things hanging from it's sides in the air
an artistic glass sculpture on display in front of a wall
艺术的生命力依赖可持续性生态发展观, 当其作为地域及历史脉络延续的载体, 不因呈现形态对未来的想象产生束缚。 柔线作为转圜与连接的主要表达形式之一, 便于人由内向外展开诸如对未来、 生命和平衡等语汇的思考, 用表象的形态、趋势给人传递无限的想象。
an art piece hanging from the ceiling in a room with marble floors and chandelier
东方泛白,之后为青,从清微淡远逐渐至光芒四射, 这便是每日天空中的第一抹色彩。 将青在室内延展,仿若缔造一场东方美学与现代设计的碰撞。 远,可与群山呼应,营造山居意远、放旷无涯的意境。
a tree branch hanging from the ceiling in front of a glass building with lots of windows
Oriental Aesthetics Sales Office in Guiyang | Esperluette | Archello
a circular sculpture hanging from the ceiling in a room with white walls and black flooring
Georgie Seccull Sculpture & Installation Artist
about - Georgie Seccull | Sculpture & Installation Artist Melbourne
帝典斯非标灯饰 电话:13631582176(微信同号)专业定制设计非标工程灯具,具有创新能力以及设计能力的一只强大的队伍,承接国内外各大酒店售楼部样板房豪宅会所灯具的设计与生产
a large sculpture in the middle of a room with chairs around it and tables behind it
a tall vase filled with lots of flowers on top of a white tablecloth covered floor
an artistic piece of art hanging from a chain in front of a brick wall with water droplets on it
ENJOYDESIGN丨重庆融信·海月平湖:艺术更新映像,外化人文思想 现代-发现世界优质案例
ENJOYDESIGN丨重庆融信·海月平湖:艺术更新映像,外化人文思想 中式现代售楼处-发现世界优质案例
a sculpture of a bunny holding a red string in front of a wall with paintings on it
Sculpture - Kaikai by Takashi Murakami in the Venus room, Chateau de Versailles, France
a man standing in front of a wall with water splashing on it
原创艺术品 | 艺术家居 | 艺术灯饰_
boking furniture art gallery site