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Dr.YELLOW /SHIN-OSAKA STATION Osaka, China Train, Japan Railway, Japan Train, Vintage Trains, Fire Training, Vintage Train, Train, Japan
the sun shines brightly in front of some tall buildings and a bridge over water
View of Tokyo SkyTree from Asakusa in Tokyo, Japan
a japanese flag flying in the wind next to some trees with white and red flowers
Posté le vendredi 16 mars 2012 13:16
Nations represented at the International Food Tryathon for the Food Revoltution Day 19 May 2012: Japan
a large white statue sitting on the side of a road
日本宮城縣 仙台大觀音像
a large white buddha statue sitting on the side of a road next to power lines
Sendai Daikannon
an aerial view of the coast and mountains
Nishikan【Nishikama-ku, Niigata City】
two children are standing in front of a giant animal sculpture made out of straw bales
Esculturas gigantes de paja en Niigata.
a tall brick building sitting next to a lush green hillside
親和銀行本店 懐霄館(かいしょうかん) | 建築図鑑 II