Garlic bread memes

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a bar code with the words look from the angle of your charger port for a cute message
Do it
Look from the angle of your charger port for a cute message - send garlic bread
a man on a bike in the water with a backpack strapped to it's back
Daily Funny Collection #404 (25 Pics)
Daily Funny Collection #404 (25 Pics)
a drawing of a man's face with the words, so many fake smiles you never know what someone is going through
Dank memes | Tumblr
Man that's deep, I mean of all the bread he could have burnt it was the garlic bread... *deeply breathes* I think we all need to take a moment of silence for those who have fallen.
a box filled with lots of food sitting on top of a table
88 Today’s Most Funny Memes #140 – FunnyFoto
88 Today’s Most Funny Memes #140
someone holding up a piece of bread with the words tsa sorry sir, no food past this point me
Hahahah i like this one
two texts each have different types of breads on them and one has the same type of bread in it
Picture memes aaa8GIUb6 — iFunny
an eye with some bread in it and the caption reads, the pull of your eye can expand as much as 55 % while looking at something you love
garlic bread good