Apps & Productivity

Productivity tips to help you make technology your friend.
58 Pins
a hand is touching an arrow with the text video marketing, edit with inshot
Video Marketing: InShOt Mobile App
➡ Social video generates 12 times more shares than text and images combined. . ➡ Video drives a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs. . ➡ Video on a landing page can increase conversions by 80% or more . ➡ Viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video compared to 10% when reading it in text. . ➡ 92 percent of mobile video viewers share videos with others.
the cover of how to store files in the cloud with dropbox
Cloud Storage: How to Store Files With Dropbox
Use a cloud storage app like Dropbox to store files securely and conveniently. You’ll have your data no matter what happens to your computer.
a book shelf with books and binders on it that says how to use evermote to organize everything
How to Use Evernote to Organize Everything
How to Use Evernote to Organize Everything Apps & Tools, Marketing Blog I’ve written about how to use Evernote before, but the way I use it has evolved through the years I’ve used the app. There are so many different ways to use it and every user has their favorite.
a blue and white sign that says smart tip install the everyone web clipper free in your browser to save articles and images from the web quickly
Evernote Smart Tip
Install the Evernote Web Clipper (free) in your browser to save articles and images from the web quickly and easily. You can save screenshots, entire articles, a simplified article view, or a bookmark. You'll find it on the Evernote website.
a white book shelf filled with office supplies and text that reads how to use evermote to organize everything
How to Use Evernote to Organize Everything
I’ve written about how to use Evernote before, but the way I use it has evolved through the years I’ve used the app. There are so many different ways to use it and every user has their favorite.
a blue and white sign that says flipboard tip create a magazine and make it private to capture ideas and articles you want to save
Flipboard Tip
Create a private magazine for articles or ideas you want to save.
a close up of a stopwatch on a map with the words flipboard content discovery and sharing
Flipboard for Content Discovery & Sharing
If you haven’t used Flipboard, you’re missing out on a beautiful, useful and fun app. Discover and share new content quickly and easily.If you haven’t used Flipboard, you’re missing out on a beautiful, useful, and fun app. Discover and share new content quickly and easily.
an orange and black hot air balloon flying in the blue sky with clouds below it
Flipboard for Content Discovery and Sharing
If you haven’t used Flipboard, you’re missing out on a beautiful, useful and fun app. Discover and share new content quickly and easily.
a close up of a stopwatch on a map with the words flipboard content discovery and sharing
Flipboard for Content Discovery & Sharing
If you haven’t used Flipboard, you’re missing out on a beautiful, useful and fun app. Discover and share new content quickly and easily.If you haven’t used Flipboard, you’re missing out on a beautiful, useful, and fun app. Discover and share new content quickly and easily.
an open laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a lightbulb
Best Apps for Small Business: Bear
best apps for small business
an open notebook with the words 6 daily productiv tips on it and a plant
6 Daily Productivity Tips of Highly Productive People - Lucemi Consulting
Here's 6 daily productivity tips those who are looking to stay focused and increase their time management skills. These productivity tips of highly productive people will allow you to increase your organization skills and achieve your goals quicker. #timemanagement #productivity #habits
people working on laptops at a table with the words work anywhere, anytime with the right tools
Work Anywhere, Anytime With the Right Tools
Whether you’re trying to figure out how to manage a remote team and projects or simply looking for ways to improve communication, efficiency and productivity, trying to figure out the top productivity tools shouldn’t be a headache for ya! #KimGarst #OnlineTools #OnlineBusiness
an open laptop computer sitting on top of a desk next to a cup and mug
Todoist: Organize Your Life and Work
My never-ending search for the perfect to-do app is somewhat of a running joke at our house. #productivity #smallbusiness #smallbusinesstips
the 3 apps a small business needs for instagram
Want to step up your game on Instagram, but feeling overwhelmed by the number of apps claiming to be a must-have for business owners? Well, welcome to my 3-application toolbox! Check out these apps now, or save this post for later! #1 Canva
a person holding a cell phone with the text how to use google calendar 25 helpful hacks to make the most of it
11 Helpful Google Calendar Hacks You're Probably Not Using
Wondering what Google Calendar is and how to use it? Here's the answer together with 25 helpful tips on how to make the most of it: #googlecalendar #googlecalendartips #organizationtools #productivitytools #productivitytips #googletools