Biblically Accurate Angels, Demons & More

Ongoing board of my angel art
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3 Things You May Not Have Known about the Biblically Accurate Angel Gabriel Who Said, “Fear Not.”
Bible passages referenced: • Luke 1 • Daniel 8 and 9 • Ezekiel 1 and 10 • Exodus 34 Additional study materials referenced: • Strong’s Concordance
3 Things You May Not Have Known about the Biblically Accurate Angel Gabriel Who Said, “Fear Not.”
Bible passages referenced: • Luke 1 • Daniel 8 and 9 • Ezekiel 1 and 10 • Exodus 34 Additional study materials referenced: • Strong’s Concordance
Drawing Biblically Accurate Angel Art (One of the Seraphim from Isaiah 6)🔥
In Isaiah 6, seraphim are described as having six wings (two covering the face, two covering the feet, and two for flying). Their name comes from the word "saraph" (according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance), meaning that they are “fiery” and “burning.”
a drawing of an angel surrounded by flames
Biblically Accurate Seraph Angel Art
According to Isaiah 6, seraphim have six wings (two covering the face; two covering the feet; two flying). They are fiery and "burning" (from the word "saraph," according to Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance).
a drawing of a man sitting on top of a rock with the words mark 16 above him
A Biblically Accurate Angel at the Tomb of Christ (Reference: Mark 16)
- Young man - Dressed in white - Clothes gleaming like lightning (as provided by Luke 24 and Matthew 28)
3 Interesting Facts about Biblically Accurate Angels (Cherubim and Ophanim)
Bible passages referenced: • Ezekiel 1 and 10 • Genesis 3
a drawing of a yellow bird with wings spread over it's head and body
Biblically Accurate Angels - Cherubim
a drawing of a man with long hair and a crown on his head sitting in the air
Apollyon/Abaddon’s Locusts - Refer to Revelation 9
a drawing of a man riding on the back of a brown horse next to a cat
Revelation Art - Mounted Troop Riding a Fire-breathing, Snake-tailed Horse
Drawing One of the Locusts of the Fallen Angel (or Demon) Abaddon (or Apollyon) - Revelation 9
Uses: • Photoshop • Tablet • Stylus • Bible (description and more in Revelation 9)
an artistic painting of a golden ring with blue eyes
(More) Biblically Accurate Angels - Ophanim (Whirling Wheels)
What Do Biblically Accurate Angels Look Like? Cherubim Art Drawing Tutorial
Uses: • Photoshop • Tablet • Stylus • Bible (description and more interesting facts in Ezekiel 1 and 10)
Drawing an Ophanim: Angel Art of the Bible (More Info in Ezekiel 1)
Difficulty: Medium Uses: • Photoshop • Tablet • Stylus • Bible (description and more fun facts in Ezekiel 1)