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a black and white photo with the words i lost my mind trying to understand yours
“I lost my mind tryi
It's SO easy to think you're going crazy when you deal with narcs and narcopaths. Research and read everything you can on them. Realize it's THEM, it was never you. Knowledge is such power!
a quote that reads, that feeling when you don't even know what the f k
This happens to me all the time and my boy notices and asks me but I don't know what to say so I tell him "I'm fine" and he freaks out. It's really cute.
a poem written in black and white with the words, maybe there's reason why you forgot about me [12]
maybe there's a reason why you forgot about me. maybe it was the way i was never okay or how my hair was always messy my eyes were always heavy perhaps how my thoughts were usually jumbled or other people interested you and you didn't know what to do it could be how i cared too much and maybe i still care too much -ahr
the words are written in white ink on a black and white background, along with an image of a highway at night
We used to talk for hours
We used to talk for hours quotes photography night sad street depressed
a piece of paper with the words what do you do when you know something bad for you but you still can't let go
what do you do...
It's so ironic that I found this after tonight, I just had to let go of something for the better less than 2 hours ago....maybe the Pinterest gods are speaking to me.
the quote for i still repeat the things you said to me in my head
Tumblr Images and Quotes on imgfave
I remember everything you ever said and every promise made. All the conversations from serious, to silly, to the dreams we shared. How do you go from all that to not believing in any of it? To "we're just here"... Maybe you're right and there is no such thing...
the quote for i still repeat the things you said to me in my head
I still.repeat the things you said to me in my head. Why? Because you were my best friend. I believed in you.
a poem written in black and white with the words i don't know what it was
Why do you hate me?
That's why life is always unpredictable and the people that swear would never leave.. do. The ones that once said you'll never go through anything alone anymore, bc you have me now are all fake sweet nothings of bullshit. Don't believe any word anybody tells you, but how they treat you and what they do goes farther than what they say... ALWAYS! -S.L True Quotes, Lyric Quotes, Ex Best Friend, Quotes Thoughts, Intj, Image Quotes
Good night, Posterous
That's why life is always unpredictable and the people that swear would never leave.. do. The ones that once said you'll never go through anything alone anymore, bc you have me now are all fake sweet nothings of bullshit. Don't believe any word anybody tells you, but how they treat you and what they do goes farther than what they say... ALWAYS! -S.L
the words are written in white on a black background with an image of a building
Brand New Lyrics
..At least pretend you didn't wanna get caught.
an old black and white photo with the words you and me and never us complicated series of almost interactions
Almost interactions are a waste of precious time. And I just said goodbye to one of these. Sad, but absolutely necessary.
an image with the words it amazes me how someone can drop you out of their life like you never tasted after you shared everything with them
People are so heartless. I can't believe I ever open myself up to someone that I never thought would hurt me so bad. Hope you are enjoying your life while you ruined mine. I will say you should feel special because you are the only one I have ever trusted my life with. I will never be able to trust anyone again. J.J.