Quantum World

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an image of a blue object in the sky with text that reads,'the photoele
An Easy Explanation of the Basics of Quantum Mechanics for Dummies
Next time when a physics professor says that the probability of your position at any given time, in the whole universe, is never zero, don't think he has lost his marbles. This is where we can start with an explanation of the basics of quantum mechanics for dummies.
an info sheet describing the different types of aircrafts and their engines, with information about them
Biblical Christianity vs. Secular Humanism: A war? — Globe Hackers
an info sheet with different types of items in it and the words on each side
Theory and Experiments suggest Space Time is made of Quantum Entanglement | NextBigFuture.com
Next Big Future: Theory and Experiments suggest Space Time is made of Quantum Entanglement
an info sheet with the names and symbols
Seeing The Fifth Dimension [Infographic]
Einstein said if you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself. And that sums up every person who’s ever talked about any kind of dimensions, 3d, 4d, string theory, and so on. They talk with contradictions and have explanations that no-one really understands. This infographic from ChrisRCarson will help clear things up. Learn to tell the difference from reality and perceived reality. Learn to imagine 4d and 5d like you do 3d. More
an info sheet describing how to use the shape and size of different objects in this project
Fabric of Reality: The origins of space and time - If space and time are not fundamental, what is? | Amazing Science
Fabric of Reality: The origins of space and time - If space and time are not fundamental, what is?
a blueprinted poster with the words what people think time is, and an image of
SFGATE: San Francisco Bay Area News, Sports, Culture, Travel, Food and Drink
What if there is a density of reality in which time is 3 dimensional? According to some types of String Theory, what you do right NOW can potentially cause what happened 5000 years ago in our interaction with linear time, because what we do to an electron effects both its past and its future according to string theory. We experience linearity, but what if time progression was nothing more than a series of universal cause-effect relationships randomly interconnected
albert einstein quote about energy and the stars in the sky with an image of galaxy behind it
A Reflection on Time: Why it Keeps Speeding Up, And What It Means for Our Future (And Why We Should Relax)
Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.
an image with the quote according to string theory, what appears to be empty space
a woman with her hands on her hips and the words, matter is energy light, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be preceptible to the
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"Matter is Energy (light) whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter." ~ Albert Einstein
an old man sitting in front of a book with the words invisible dice on it
Ms. Mullin Albert Einstein Born in Ulm, Württemberg, Germany in 1879, Albert Einstein developed the special and general theories of relativity. In 1921, he won the Nobel Prize for physics for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century. He died on April 18, 1955, in Princeton, New Jersey.
a toilet paper roll is in the corner of a room with a blue light coming from it
Quantum Physics, Mysticism, Consciousness and God
Examining the nexus of energy and matter. Exploring for metaphysical clues in the process. What factor or effect does our consciousness, and or god, have in articulating life.
an info sheet showing the different types of aircrafts
How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic)
How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic) by Karl Tate, LiveScience Infographic Artist
the strangeness of quantum physics info sheet
Quantum Physics made simple by a Pinay physicist
Never got a simpler explanation.. . Quantum Physics made simple by a Pinay physicist | SciTech | GMA News Online
an image of planets and their names
Quantum Physics - Subatomic particles
Quantum Physics - Subatomic particles