Depression lol

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a drawing of a horse and a person with a sign that says, your damage isn't interesting and you're unworthyity of love
BoJack Horseman taught me that trauma doesn’t have to have a purpose
two screenshots of the same building and one has an image of a person on it
Worldsworstfather remember when you were a kid and whenever your parents came into the room while you were doing something for pleasure like looking at something on the computer or watching tv and you’d immediately close the thing like you’d just been caught watching porn when you were actually doing nothing wrong this post was made by strict parents with no boundaries gang E worldsworstfather my dad: walks into the room while i’m playing club penguin the family computer - iFunny
Touch Deprived, Quotes Deep Feelings, Look At You, Emotional Health
a blue and purple drawing with words on it that say, sometimes i wonder exactly how many hours i have left with another person
Elias ☆ Ericson
an image of someone's drawing on their facebook page, with the caption below
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